Freight Models
- Freight Demand Models
- National Freight Models
- State, Regional, and Local Freight Models
- Freight Modeling Applications
- Freight Modeling Bibliography
Oak Ridge National Laboratory compiled the following bibliography of papers and reports on quantitative analysis of freight flows and related vehicle activity. Entries are listed by author under the following categories.
- Dedicated truck lane modeling
- Freight and commodity flow modeling
- Freight corridor and system capacity modeling
- Freight data collection methods
- Freight modeling review articles
- Freight traffic assignment/network flow modeling
- Intermodal freight and terminal transfers modeling
- Modeling freight supply chains
- Modeling hazardous freight movements
- Modeling the energy and environmental impacts of freight
- Modeling the value of time in freight studies
- Modeling urban freight movements
- Multi-step freight planning models
- Statewide and regional freight planning studies
- Truck size and weight modeling
- Truck trip generation/attraction modeling
Dedicated truck lane modeling:
Reich, S.l., Davis, J.L., Ferraro, A.J. and Catala, M. (2003) Exclusive facilities for trucks in Florida. Proceedings of the 2003 Mid-Continent transport Research Symposium. Ames, Iowa. http://www.ctre.iastate.edu/pubs/midcon2003/ReichTrucks.pdf
Janson, B.N. and A. Rathi (1991) Economic Feasibility of Exclusive Vehicle Facilities, Transportation Research Record 1305: 201–214.
Samuel, P., Poole, R.W. and Holguin-Veras, J. (2002). Toll truckways: a new path toward safer and more efficient freight transport. Reason Foundation. Policy Study 294.
Kuhn, B., Daniels, G. and Jasek, D. (2002) Year 1 Annual report of progress: operating freeways with managed lanes. Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, Texas 77843.
Fischer, M., Abanou, D.N., Waliszewski, J. (2003) Planning truck-only lanes: emerging lessons from Southern California experience. Paper presented at the 82nd Transportation Research Board Meetings, January 2003, Washington DC.
Cate, M.A. and Urbanik, T. (2004) Another view of truck lane restrictions. Paper presented at the 83nd Transportation Research Board Meetings, January 2004, Washington DC.
Hoel, L.A. and Peek, J.L. (1999) A simulation of traffic flow elements for restricted truck lanes on Interstate highways in Virginia. Virginia Transportation Research Council, Charlottesville, Virginia, January. 1999.
Tabibi, M. and Hansen, I.A. (2000) Dedicated lanes for automated freight traffic. International Congress on Freight Transport Automation and Multimodality 3: Organisational and Technological Innovations 23 and 24 May 2002, Delft, Netherlands.
Freight and commodity flow modeling:
Abdelwahab, W.M. and Sargious, M.A. 1991, A simultaneous decision-making approach model the demand for freight transportation, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 18.3: 515–520.
Ahanotu, D.N. Fischer, M.J. and Louch, H.W. (2003) Developing a commodity flow database from Transearch data. Transportation Research Record 1855: 14–21.
Aultman-Hall, L., Johnson, B. and Aldridge, B. (2000) Assessing potential for modal substitution from statewide freight commodity flow data. Transportation Research Record 1719: 10–16.
Black, W. (1998) Commodity flow modeling. Transportation Research Board, Proceedings of the Statewide Travel Demand Forecasting Conference, Irvine, CA: 136–154
Casavant, K.L., Arnis, A., Gillis, W.R., Nell, W. and Jessup, E.L. (1995) Modeling Washington State truck freight flows using GIS-T: data collection and design. Transportation Research Record 1497: 145–152.
Crainic, T.G., Dufour, G., Florian, M., Larin, D. N and Leve, Z (2001) Demand matrix adjustment for multimodal freight networks. Transportation Research Record 1771: 140–147.
Friesz, T.L., Bernstein, D. and Sou, Z. (1998) Dynamic disequilibrium interregional commodity flow model. Transportation Research 32B: 467–483.
Harker, P. and Friesz, T. L. (1986) Prediction of Intercity Freight Flows, I Theory and II Mathematical Formulations Transportation Research 20B: 139–153 and 155–174.
Holguin-Veras, J. and Thorson, E. (2000) Trip length distributions in commodity-based and trip-based freight demand modeling. Transportation Research Record 1707: 37–48.
Jackson, R.W. et al (2004) A method for constructing commodity by industry flow matrices. Research paper 2004-5. Regional Research Institute, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV.
Leighton, T. and Rao, S. (1999) Multicommodity max-flow min-cut theorems and their use in designing approximation algorithms. Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery (JACM) 46: 787–832.
Mao, S. and Demetsky, M.J. (2002) Calibration of the Gravity Model for Truck Freight Flow Distribution. Center for Transportation Studies, University of Virginia. Research Report No. UVACTS-5-14-15.
Murat, C.H. and Guldmann, J-M (2002) Spatial interaction modeling of interregional commodity flows. European Regional Science Association. ERSA Conference paper.
Reggiani, A., Nijkamp, P. and Nobilito, L. (1997) Spatial modal patterns in European freight transport networks: results of neurocomputing and logit models. Research Memorandum 1997–29. University of Amsterdam.
Rios, A., Nozick, L.K., and Turnquist, M.A. (2003) Value of different categories of information in estimating freight origin-destination tables. Transportation Research Record 1783: 42–48.
Russell, E.R., Sorenson, L.O. and Miller, R. (1992) Microcomputer transportation planning models used to develop key highway commodity flows and to estimate ESAL values. Midwest Transportation Center, Ames, Iowa.
Shaffer, W.A. (1999) Regional Impact Models. (notably Chapter 8).
Shankar, V.N. and Pendyala, R.M. (2001) Freight travel demand modeling: econometric issues in multi-level approaches. Chapter 38 in Travel Behavior Research: The Leading Edge Hensher D. and King J (Eds), Pergamon.
Sivakumar, A. and Bhat, C. (2002) A fractional split distribution model for statewide commodity flow analysis. Paper #02-2142 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 2002, Washington DC
Sorratini, A.J. and Smith, R.L. Jr. (2000) Development of a statewide truck trip forecasting model based on commodity flows and input-output coefficients. Transportation Research Record 1707: 49–55
Vilain, P., Nan Liu, L. and Aimen, D. (1999) Estimation of commodity inflows to a substate region: an input-output based approach. Transportation Research Record 1653: 17–26.
Waliszewski, J.M., Ahanotu, D.N., Fischer, M.J. (2004) Comparison of commodity flow forecasting techniques in Montana. Transportation Research Record 1870: 1–9
Williamson M., Schrieber, J.A. and Cutler, M.R. (2000) Use of commodity flow data in freight transportation planning. 79th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington D.C.
Freight corridor and system capacity modeling:
Bronzini, M.S., Curlee, R., Leiby, P., Southworth, F. and Summers, M. (1997) Ohio River navigation investment model. Requirements and model design. Transportation Research Record 1620: 17–26.
Cambridge Systematics Inc., et al (1998) Multimodal Corridor and Capacity Analysis Manual. NCHRP Report 399. Transportation Research Board, National Academy Press, Washington D.C. 20418.
Chatterjee, A., Wegmann, F.J., Jackson, N.M. Everett, J.D. and Bray, L.G. (2001) Effect of Increased Truck Traffic on Chickamauga Lock. Transportation Research Record 1763: 80–84.
Culree, T.R., Busch, I. K. Hilliard, M., Oladosu, G., Southworth, F. and Vogt, D.P. (2003) The economic foundations of the Ohio River Navigation Investment Model (ORNIM). Transportation Research Record 1871: 13–23.
Janson B.N., Buckels, L.S. and Peterson, B.E. (1991) Programming route improvements to the national highway network. Transportation Research Record 1305: 243–354.
Morlok, E.K. and Chang, D.K. (2004) Measuring capacity flexibility of a transportation system Transportation Research 38A: 405–420.
Morlok, E.K. and Riddle, S.P. (1999) Estimating the capacity of freight transportation systems: a model and its application in transportation planning and logistics. Transportation Research Record 1653: 1–8.
Nijkamp, P., Vleugel, A.M. and Kreutzberger, E. (1993) Assessment of capacity in infrastructure networks: a multidimensional view. Transportation Planning and Technology 17: 301–310.
Tan, A., Bowden, R and Zhang, Y. (2004) Virtual simulation of statewide intermodal freight traffic. Transportation Research Record 1873: 53–63
Wilbur Smith Associates (2003) The National I-10 Freight Corridor Study.
Freight data collection methods and models:
Beuthe, M., Bouffioux, C. and De Maeyer, J. (2003) A multicriteria analysis of stated preferences among freight transport alternatives. European Regional Science Association. ERSA Conference paper.
BTS/US Census Bureau (1993,1997,2002) United States Commodity Flow Survey.
Casavant, K.L., Gillis, W.R., Blankenship, D. and Howard, C. Jr. (1995) Survey methodology for collecting freight truck and destination data. Transportation Research Record 1477: 7–14.
Friedrich, M., Haupt, T. and Nokel, K. (2003) Freight Modelling: data issues, survey methods, demand and network models. Paper at the 10th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research, Lucerne, Switzerland.
Holguin-Veras, J. et al (2001) An Assessment of Methodological Alternatives for a Regional Freight Model. Appendix II. Compendium of Freight Data Sources. New York Metropolitan Transportation Council Report. New York, NY.
Lawson, C.T. and Riis, A_E (2001) We're really asking for it. Using surveys to engage the freight community. Transportation Research Record 1763: 13–19.
Lawson, C.T. and Strathman, J.G. (2002) Survey Methods For Assessing Freight Industry Options. Federal Highway Administration Report FHWA-OR-RD-02-14. Washington DC, 20590.
Lin, I.I., Mahmassani, H.S., Jaillet, P. and Walton, C.M. (2002) Electronic marketplaces for transportation services: shipper considerations. Transportation Research Record 1790: 1–9.
Meyburg, A.H. and Mbwana, J.R. (Eds.) (2001F) Data Needs in the Changing World of Logistics and Freight Transportation. Conference Synthesis. Prepared by Cornell University for the New York State Department of Transportation, Albany, New York.
Prozzi, J., Spurgeon, K. and Harrison, R. (2003) Secret lives of containers: evidence from Texas. Transportation Research Record 1833: 3–10.
Radwan, A.E., Rahman, M. and Kalevela, S.A. (1988) Freight flow and attitudinal survey for Arizona. Transportation Research Record 1179: 16–22
Rizet, C., Guilbauly, M., van Merijeren, J.C., Bjister, E. and Houee, M. (2003) Tracking Along The Transport Chain Via The Shippers Survey. International Conference on Transport Survey Quality and Innovation.
Rockliffe, N., Wigan, M. and Quinlan, H. (1998) Developing database of nationwide freight flows for Australia. Transportation Research Record 1625: 147–155.
Taylor, M.A., Young, W., Wigan, M. and Ogden, K.W. (1992) Designing a large-scale travel demand survey: new challenges and new opportunities. Transportation Research 26A: 247–261.
TRB (2003) A Concept for a National Freight Data Program. Special Report 276. Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC 20001.
Wigan, M. and N. Rockliffe, N. (1998) Freight survey requirements for urban areas. Transportation Research Board 77th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., January 11–15, 1998.
Ambite, J.L. et al (2002) Integrating heterogeneous data sources for better freight flow analysis and planning. University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA.
Freight modeling review articles:
Cambridge Systematics, Inc., et al (1997) A Guidebook for Forecasting Freight Transportation Demand. NCHRP Report 388, Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C.
Holguin-Veras, J. et al (2001) An Assessment of Methodological Alternatives for a Regional Freight Model. Appendix I: literature review on freight transportation demand modeling. New York Metropolitan Transportation Council Report. New York, NY.
Memmott, F.W. and Roger Creighton Associates, Inc. (1983) Application of Statewide Freight Demand Forecasting Techniques, NCHRP 260. Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C.
ME&P and WSP (2003) Review of Freight Modelling. Final Report. (see also Report B1 – Review of GB Freight Models and B2 – Review of Models in Continental Europe and Elsewhere). DfT Integrated Transport and Economic Appraisal. Report prepared for the United Kingdom Department of Transport.
Pendyala, R.M., Shankar, V.N. and McCullough, R.G. (2000) Freight travel demand modeling. Synthesis of approaches and development of a framework. Transportation Research Record 1725: 9–18.
de Jong, G. Gunn, H., Walker, W., and Widell, J. (2002) Study on ideas for a new national freight Model System for Sweden. Report published by Rand Europe and Transbek AB. ISBN: 0-8330-3327-1.
Regan A.C. and Garrido, R. (2001) Freight demand and shipper behavior modeling: state-of-the-art, directions for the future, in Hensher, D.A. and King, J. (eds) The Leading Edge of Travel Behavior Research, Pergamon.
Southworth, F. (2002) Freight transportation planning: models and methods. Chapter 4 of Transportation Systems Planning: Methods and Applications. K. Goulias. (Ed). CRC Press.
Zlatoper, T.L. and Austrian, Z. (1989) Freight transportation demand: a survey of recent econometric studies. Transportation 16: 26–46.
Freight traffic assignment/network flow modeling:
Beuthe M., Jourquin B., Geerts J-F and Koul à Ndjang' Ha Ch. (2001) Freight Transportation Demand Elasticities: a Geographic Multimodal Transportation Network Analysis. Transportation Research 37E.
Black, W.R. (1997) Transport Flows in the State of Indiana: Commodity Database Development and Traffic Assignment. Phase 2.Transportation Research Center. Indiana University, Bloomington IN 47405.
Chang, E., Ziliaskopoulos, A., Boyce, D. and Waller, S.T. (2001) Solution algorithm for combined interregional commodity flow and transportation network model with link capacity constraints. Transportation Research Record 1771: 114–123.
Friesz, T. (2000) Strategic freight network planning models. Chapter 32 in Handbook of Transport Modelling D. A. Hensher and K. J Button.(Eds.). Pergamon.
Friesz, T.L., Viton, P.A. and Tobin, R.L. (1985) Economic and computational aspects of freight network equilibrium models: a synthesis. Journal of Regional Science 25: 29–49.
Gorys, J., Poulos, N., Gray, R. and Ruggero, A. (1999) Defining a strategic freight network for the Greater Toronto Region. Transportation Research Record 1653: 27–33.
Guelat, J., Florian, M., and T.G. Crainic (1990) A multimodal multiproduct network assignment model for strategic planning of freight flows. Transportation Science 24: 25–39.
Hancock, K. L. and Sreekanth, A. (2001) Conversion of weight of freight to number of rail cars. Transportation Research Record 1768: 1–10.
Harker, P.T. and Frieze T.L. (1986) Prediction of intercity freight flows, I: theory, and II mathematical formulation. Transportation Research 20B: 139–174.
Jourquin B. and Beuthe M. (200) Multimodal freight networks analysis with Nodus, a survey of several applications. Transportation Planning and Technology, Vol 4.3.
Jourquin B., Beuthe, M. and Demilie, L. (1999) Freight bundling network models: methodology and application. Transportation Planning and Technology 2: 157–177.
Mendoza, A., Gil, C.Z. and Trero, J.M. (1999) Multiproduct network analysis of freight land transport between Mexico and the United States. Transportation Research Record 1653: 69–78.
Premius, H. and Konings, R. (2001) Dynamics and spatial patterns of intermodal freight transport networks. Chapter 32 in Handbook of Logistics and Supply Chain Management. A.M. Brewer, K.J. Button and D.A. Hensher, Eds. Pergamon Press, New York.
Southworth, F. and Peterson, B.E. (2001) Intermodal and international freight network modeling, Transportation Research C 8, 147–166.
Xu, J., Hancock, K.L. and Southworth, F. (2002) Simulation of regional freight movement with trade & transportation multi-networks. Transportation Research Record 1854: 152–161.
Intermodal freight and terminal transfers modeling:
Arnold, P., Peeters, D and Thomas, I. (2004) Modelling a rail/road intermodal transportation system. Transportation Research 40E: 255–270.
Bontekoning, Y.M., Macharis, C. and Trip, J.J. (2004) Is a new applied transportation research field emerging?—A review of intermodal rail-truck freight transport literature Transportation Research 38A: 1–34.
Brander, J.R.G. and Wilson, F.R. (2001) Regional intermodal freight transport flows and projections. Transportation Research Record 1763: 20–26.
Klodzinski, J. and Al-Deek, H.M. (2004) Methodology for modeling a road network with high truck volumes generated by vessel freight activity from an intermodal facility. Transportation Research Record 1873: 35–44.
Klodzinski, J. and Al-Deek, H.M. (2003) Transferability of an intermodal freight transportation forecasting model to major Florida seaports. Transportation Research Record 1820: 36–45.
Ballis, A (2004) Introducing level-of-service standards for intermodal freight terminals. Transportation Research Record 1873: 79–88.
Malchow, M.B. and Kanafani, A. (2004) A disaggregate analysis of port selection. Transportation Research 40E: 317–337.
Southworth, F. and Peterson, B.E. (2001) Intermodal and international freight network modeling, Transportation Research C 8, 147–166.
Tan, A., (2004) The Virtual Intermodal Transportation System (VITS). A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of Mississippi State University, Department of Industrial Engineering.
Tsamboulas, D.A. and Kapros, S. (2000) Decision-making process in intermodal transportation. Transportation Research Record 1707: 86–93.
Walker, W.E. et al (2004) Improving the intermodal freight network system linking Western Europe with Central and Eastern Europe. Transportation Research Record 1873: 109–119.
Weigel, M.L. (1994) A railroad intermodal capacity model. In Proceedings of 1994 Winter Simulation Conference, Orlando, Florida. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Publications.
Modeling freight supply chains:
Boerkamps, J.H.K., van Binsbergen, A.J. and Bovy, P.H.L. (2000) Modeling behavioral aspects of urban freight movements in supply chains. Transportation Research Record 1725: 17–25.
Brewer, A.M., Button, K.J. and Hensher, D.A. (Eds) (2001) Handbook of Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Pergamon Press, New York.
Khouja, M. (2003) Optimizing inventory decisions in a multi-stage multi-customer supply chain. Transportation Research 39E: 193–208.
Nagurney, A. Ke, K, Cruz, J, Hancock, K. and Southworth, F. (2002) Dynamics of supply chains: a multilevel (logistical/information/financial) network perspective. Environment and Planning, 29B: 795–818.
Modeling hazardous freight movements:
Abkowitz, M. D., DeLorenzo, J.P., Duych, R., Greenberg, A. and McSweeney, T. (2001) Assessing the economic effect of incidents involving truck transport on hazardous materials. Transportation Research Record 1763: 125–129.
Hancock, K.L. (2001) Hazardous goods. Chapter 31 in Handbook of Logistics and Supply Chain Management. A.M. Brewer, K.J. Button and D.A. Hensher, Eds. Pergamon Press, New York.
Hwang, S. T., Brown, D.F., O'Steen, J.K., Policastro, A.J. and Dunn William, E. (2001) Risk assessment for national transportation of selected hazardous materials. Transportation Research Record 1763: 114–124.
Modeling the energy and environmental impacts of freight:
Ang-Olson, J. and Cowart, B. (2002) Freight activity and air quality impacts in selected North American free trade agreement trade corridors. Transportation Research Record 1815.
Barth, M.J. and Tadi, R.R. (1998) Emissions comparison between truck and rail: case study of California I-40. Transportation Research Record 1520: 44–52.
Newstrand, M.W. (1999) Environmental impacts of a modal shift. Transportation Research Record 1333: 9–12.
Southworth, F., Janson, B.N., Papathanassopoulos, E. and Zavattero, D. (1981) Direct and indirect energy accounts for Chicago's urban trucking industry. Transportation Research Record 834: 20–27.
Vanek, F.M. and Morlok, E.K. (2000) Improving the energy efficiency of freight in the United States through commodity-based analysis: justification and implementation. Transportation Research 15D: 11–29.
Vanek, F.M. and Morlok, E.K. (1998) Freight energy use disaggregated by commodity: comparisons and discussion. Transportation Research Record 1641: 3–8.
Weinblatt, H. (1983) The California freight energy demand model. Transportation Research Record 935: 26–32.
Modeling the value of time in freight studies:
Allen, W.B., Mahmoud, MM, and McNeil, D (1985) The importance of time in transit and reliability of transit time for shippers, receivers and carriers. Transportation Research B, Vol 198 No.5: 447–456.
Kawamura, K. (2000) Perceived value of time for truck operators. Transportation Research Record 1725: 31–36.
Kurri, J., Sirkia, A. and Juha, M. (2000) Value of time in freight transport in Finland. Transportation Research Record 1725: 26–30.
Wigan, M., Rockcliffe, N., Thoresen, T. and Tsolakis, D. (2000) Valuing long-haul and metropolitan freight travel time and reliability. Journal of Transportation and Statistics 3.3: 83–89.
Wynter, L.M. (1995) Stated preference survey for calculating values of time of road freight transport in France. Transportation Research Record 1477: 1–6.
Wynter, L.M. (1995) The value of time of freight transport in France: estimation of continuously distributed values from a stated preference survey. International Journal of Transport Economics 22: 151–65.
de Jong, G. (2000) Value of freight travel-time savings. Chapter 34 in Hensher, D.A. and Button, K. J. (Eds.) Handbook of Transportation Modelling. Pergamon.
Modeling urban freight movements:
City of Edmonton (2003) Edmonton Regional Commodity Flow Study. Project Report. Edmonton AB, Canada.
D'Este, G. (2000) Urban freight movement modeling. Chapter 33 in Hensher, D.A. and Button, K. (Eds.) Handbook of Transportation Modelling. Pergamon.
Fischer, M., Ang-Olson, J. and La, A. (2000) External urban truck trips based on commodity flows. Transportation Research Record 1707: 73–80.
Holguin-Veras, J., Thorson, E. and Ozbay, K. (2004) Preliminary results of experimental economics application to urban goods modeling research. Transportation Research Record 1873: 9–16.
Holquin-Veras, J. and Thorson, E. (2001) Modeling commercial vehicle empty trips with a first order trip chain model. Transportation Research 37B: 129–148.
Hunt, J.D., Stefan, K.J., Brownlee, A.T., McMillan, J.D.P., Farhan, A., Tsang, K., Atkins, D.M. and Ishani, M. (2004) A commercial movement modelling strategy for Alberta's major cities. Proceedings of the 2004 Annual Conference of the Transportation Association of Canada, Quebec City, Quebec.
List, G.F., Konieczny, L.A., Durnford, C.L. and Papayanoulis, V. (2001) A best practice truck flow estimation model for the New York City Region. Paper #02-4128, Transportation Research Board 2002 Annual Meetings CD-ROM. Washington D.C.
List, G. F. and Turnquist, M.A. (1994) Estimating truck travel patterns in urban areas. Transportation Research Record 1420: 1–9.
List G.F. and Turnquist, M.A. (1996) A GIS-Based Approach for Estimating Truck Flow Patterns in Urban Setting. Journal of Advanced Transportation 29: 281–298.
Morris A.G., Kornhauser, A.L. and Kay, M.J. (1998), Getting the goods delivered in dense urban areas, a snapshot of the last link of the supply chain. 78th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C.
Ogden, K.W. (1992) Urban Goods Movement. Ashgate. ISBN 1-85742-029-2.
Ogden, K.W. (1978) The distribution of truck trips and commodity flows in urban areas: a gravity model. Transportation Research 12: 131–137.
Ruiter, E. R. (1992) Development of an urban truck travel model for the Phoenix Metropolitan Area. Report to the Arizona Department of Transportation. FHWA-A292-314.
Southworth, F. (1982) An urban goods movement model: framework and some results. Papers of The Regional Science Association 50: 165–184.
Southworth, F. Lee, Y.J., Griffin, C. and Zavattero, D. (1983) Strategic motor freight planning for Chicago in the Year 2000. Transportation Research Record 920: 45–48.
Southworth, F. (1982) Logistic demand models for urban goods movements. In Goods Movements in Urban Areas, Urban Mass Transportation Administration. UMTA-NY-06-0087-82-2: pp 189–204.
Southworth, F. Lee, Y.J. and Zavattero, D. (1986) A systems model of primary truck route designation and terminals clustering. Transportation Research 20A: 351–360.
UMTA (1982) Goods Movements in Urban Areas, Urban Mass Transportation Administration. UMTA-NY-06-0087-82-2. US Department of Transportation, Washington D.C. 20590.
Taniguchi, E., and Thompson, R.G. (2002) Modeling city logistics. Transportation Research Record 1790: 45–51.
Multi-step freight planning models:
Cambridge Systematics Inc. et al (1995) Characteristics and Changes in Freight Transportation Demand: A Guidebook for Planners and Policy Analysts. NCHRP Report 8-30. Transportation Research Board, National Academy Press, Washington D.C. 20418.
Cambridge Systematics, Inc. et al (1996) Quick Response Freight Manual. Report prepared for the Federal Highway Administration. DTFH61-93-C-0075 and -00216. Washington DC 20590.
Crainic, T.G., Florian, M., Guelat, J., and Spiess, H. (1990) Strategic planning of freight transportation: STAN, an interactive-graphic system. Transportation Research Record 1283: 97–124.
Marker, J.T. Jr and Goulias, K.G. (1998) Truck traffic prediction using quick response freight model under different degrees of geographic resolution: geographic information system application in Pennsylvania. Transportation Research Record 1625: 118–123.
McFadden, D., Winston, C. and Boersch-Supan, A. (1986) Joint estimation of freight transportation decisions under non-random sampling. Analytical Studies in Transport Economics, A. Daugherty (Ed.) Cambridge University Press.
MDS-Transmodal (2003) The GB Freight Model. Methodology. United Kingdom.
Prem, C.E. and Yu, P. (1996) Applying urban transportation modeling techniques to model regional freight and vehicle movement. Transportation Research Record 1518: 22–24.
Smadi, A. and Maze, T.H. (1996) Statewide truck transportation planning: methodology and case study (with discussion). Transportation Research Record 1522: 56–63
Souleyrotte, R., Maze, T. H., Strauss, T., Preissig, D. and Smadi, A. (1998) A Freight Planning Typology. Transportation Research Record 1613.
Southworth, F, Lee, Y;J., Griffin, C.S. and Zavattero, D. (1983) Strategic freight planning for Chicago in the year 2000. Transportation Research Record 920: 45–48.
Tavasszy, L.A. (1994) Characteristics and capabilities of Dutch freight transportation system models. Rand, Santa Monica, CA. ISBN: 0833015494
Tavasszi, l.A., van der Vlis, M.J.M., Ruijgrok, C.J. and van der Rest, J. (2001) Scenario analysis of transport and logistics systems with a SMILE. TNO Inro. Delft, Netherlands.
SAMPLAN (2001) The Swedish model system for goods transport – SAMGODS. Swedish Institute for Transport and Communications Analysis Report 2001:1. Stockholm, Sweden.
Statewide and regional freight planning studies:
Al-Deek, H., Klodzinski, J., El-Helw, A., Sarvareddy, P. and Emam, E. (2002) Development of a statewide model for heavy truck freight movement on external networks connecting with Florida Ports. Transportation Systems Institute, University of Central Florida. Orlando, FL.
Beagan, D. and Grenzeback, L. (2002) Freight Impacts on Ohio's Roadways. Ohio Department of Transportation. FHWA/OH-2002/026.
Brogan, J.J., Brich, S.C. and Demetsky, M.J.(2001) Application of a Statewide Intermodal Freight Planning Methodology. Virginia Transportation Research Council Report VTRC 02-R5. Charlottesville, VA.
Holguin-Veras, J. et al (2001) An Assessment of Methodological Alternatives for a Regional Freight Model. New York Metropolitan Transportation Council Report. New York, NY.
Wilbur Smith Associates (2003) The National I-10 Freight Corridor Study.
Truck size and weight modeling:
Alam, M.and Fekpe, E. (1998) Application of geographic information systems technology in freight data analysis: case study of I-90/I-94 corridor analysis. Transportation Research Record 1625: 173–183.
FHWA (2000) Comprehensive Truck Size and Weight Study. FHWA-PL-002-029 (multiple volumes). Federal Highway Administration, Washington D.C. 20590.
Hewitt, J. ,Stephens, J., Smith, K., and Menuez, N. (1999) Infrastructure and economic impact of changes in truck weight: regulations in Montana. Transportation Research Record 1653: 42–51
Middendorf, D. P. and Bronzini, M.S. (1994) The productivity effects of truck size and weight policies. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, ORNL Report Number 6840.Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831.
McCullough, G.J. (2003) Trucking efficiency versus transportation efficiency: an economic evaluation of trb special report 267. Transportation Research Record 1833: 24–29.
TRB (2002) Regulation of Weights, Lengths, and Widths of Commercial Motor Vehicles. Special Report 267. Transportation Research Board. Washington D.C.
Truck trip generation/attraction modeling:
Al-Deek, H.M. (2002) Use of vessel freight data to forecast heavy truck movements at seaports. Transportation Research Record 1804: 217–224
Al-Deek, H.M., Johnson, G., Mohamed, A. and El-Maghraby, A. (2000) Truck trip generation for seaports with container/trailer operations. Transportation Research Record 1719: 1–9.
Brogan, J.J., Brich, S.C. and Demetsky, M.J. (2002) Identification and forecasting of key commodities for Virginia. Transportation Research Record 1790: 73–79.
Fischer, M. J. and Han, M. (2001) Truck Trip Generation Data. Synthesis 298. National Cooperative Highway Research Program, Transportation Research Board, National Academy Press, Washington D.C. 20418.
Garrido, R.A. and Mahmassani, H.S. (1998) Forecasting short-term freight transportation demand: Poisson Starma model. Transportation Research Record 1645: 8–16.
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